There are many keyboard shortcuts used in Flowsquare. Note these keyboard operations are detected once in a transition between displays from an old time step (eg. n-1) to a new time step (eg. n), and the operation is reflected in display for the next time step (eg. n+1). Thus, for heavy simulations, keys have to be pressed for a while. Here is the list of keyboard shotcuts.
- Key(s): Function.
- 1: Display density.
- 2: Display u (velocity x-component).
- 3: Display v (velocity y-component).
- 4: Display speed ( =sqrt(u*u+v*v) ).
- 5: Display vorticity.
- 6: Display temperature.
- 7: Display reaction rate (relevant for cmode=1), and Mach number for cmode=3 (sub/supersonic flows).
- 8: Display progress variable for cmode=1, mixture fraction for cmode=2, and general scalar for cmode=0 and 3 if scalar boundaries are used.
- Shift+8: Display mixture fraction of air and progress variable (for cmode=1) and E/rho (J/kg) (for cmode=3).
- 9: Display pressure (minus pres0 in grid.txt).
- 0: Display black colour or background image specified in bg.bmp (optional). The regions with purple (RGB: 255, 0, 255) colour are displayed as transparent from which parts of previously-selected field are shown.
- ↑: Display velocity vectors.
- ↓: Hide velocity vectors.
- K: Change velocity vector colour to black.
- R: Change velocity vector colour to red.
- G: Change velocity vector colour to green.
- B: Change velocity vector colour to blue.
- W: Change velocity vector colour to white.
- →: Display the reaction front contour line (for cmode=1 and 2).
- ←: Hide the reaction front contour line (for cmode=1 and 2).
- Shift+K: Change colour of reaction rate contour to black.
- Shift+R: Change colour of reaction rate contour to red.
- Shift+G: Change colour of reaction rate contour to green.
- Shift+B: Change colour of reaction rate contour to blue.
- Shift+W: Change colour of reaction rate contour to white.
- Shift+↑: Display Lagrangian tracer particles.
- Shift+↓: Hide Lagrangian tracer particles.
- Shift+→: Change Lagrangian particle colour to black
- Shift+←: Change Lagrangian particle colour to white
- Shift+0: Change colour map to Jet (default).
- Shift+1: Change colour map to Rainbow.
- Shift+2: Change colour map to Nishiki.
- Shift+3: Change colour map to Grey.
- Shift+4: Change colour map to Grey (inverted).
- Shift+5: Change colour map to Hot.
- Shift+6: Change colour map to Sea.
- Shift+7: Change colour map to Leaf.
- ESC: Halt/Resume/Analyse the simulation (result) at current time step.
- Shift+T: Display/Hide computational time and physical time increment.
- Left-click: 1st and 2nd L-click to determine the location of cross sectional graph. 3rd L-click to remove the graph. See Lesson 1.2 — Display control.
- Right-click: Add contour lines to the colour field (only during analysis mode). See Lesson 1.2 — Display control.
- Space: Remove a last contour line you have added.
- Delete: Remove all contour lines.
- Shift+PageUp: Change numerical scheme to a larger iorder.
- Shift+PageDn: Change numerical scheme to a smaller iorder.
- PageUp: Search and (if exist) load the next simulation dump data for analysis (Only in the analysis mode activated by -a option. See Lesson 1.4 — Post-analysis mode).
- PageDn: Search and (if exist) load the previous simulation dump data for analysis (Only in the analysis mode activated by -a option. See Lesson 1.4 — Post-analysis mode).
- Ctrl+P: Take a snapshot of current analysis display which is then saved in fig folder (Only in the analysis mode activated by -a option. See Lesson 1.4 — Post-analysis mode).