---------- Control File for Flowsquare ver 4.0 (Use SI Unit) ---------- ------------------------- General Control Data ------------------------ 01:cmode 0 // Simulation mode, 0:non-reac, 1:premixed, 2:non-premixed, 3:Euler, 4:analysis 02:nx 384 // No. grid points 03:ny 384 // No. grid points 04:lx 691.2 // Domain x-size 05:ly 691.2 // Domain y-size 06:sts 0 // Start time step (new simulation starts from sts=0) 07:latts 20000 // End time step 08:cflfac 10 // Delta t factor (more is better, but typically 10-1000) ---------------- Numerical Scheme, Smoothing & Accuracy --------------- 09:iorder 2 // 0: low order, 1: high order, 2:2nd+LW, 3:4th+LW 10:nfil 1 // Interval time steps for filtering 11:wfil 0.1 // Relaxation parameter for filtering 12:omega 1.8 // Relaxation parameter for Poisson Eq (for cmode=0-2) 13:peps 1.0E-1 // Convergence limit for Poisson Eq (for cmode=0-2) 14:loopmax 200 // Maximum no. of iteration for Poisson Eq (for cmode=0-2) 15:wdrho 1.0 // Factor for d(rho)/dt (0<=wdrho<=1.0, 1 is ideal for cmode=1&2) ------------------ General BC and Global IC (White) ------------------- 16:perikey 0 // 0: no peri, 1: x-peri, 2: y-peri, 3: all peri 17:pres0 1.0E+05 // Pressure in Pa (atmospheric: 1.0E+05 Pa) 18:uin0 2.23 // Initial u 19:vin0 2.23 // Initial v 20:rho0 1.2 // Initial density (for cmode=0,3) 21:temp0 0 // Initial temperature (for cmode=1,2) 22:scalar0 0 // Initial Mixture fraction (for cmode=2) ------------------ BLUE Local BC and/or IC (optional) ----------------- 23:uin1 2.23 // U 24:vin1 2.23 // V 25:rho1 1.2 // Density (for cmode0,3) 26:temp1 0 // Temperature (for cmode1,2) 27:scalar1 0 // Mixture fraction (for cmode2) ------------------ RED Local BC and/or IC (optional) ------------------ 28:uin2 0 // U 29:vin2 0 // V 30:rho2 0 // Density (for cmode0,3) 31:temp2 0 // Temperature (for cmode1,2) 32:scalar2 0 // Mixture fraction (for cmode2) ---------- PINK Local BC and/or IC (pure air flow, optional) ---------- 33:uin3 0 // U 34:vin3 0 // V 35:temp3 0 // Temperature --------------- BLACK Wall Boundary Condition (optional) -------------- 36:tempw 0 // Temperature (0: free, for cmode1,2) -------------- GREEN Moving Boundary Condition (optional) ------------- 37:imb 0 // 0:one-time, 1:periodic 38:umb 0 // U of moving boundary 39:vmb 0 // V of moving boundary 40:tempmb 0 // Temperature (0: free, for cmode1,2) ------------- YELLOW Scalar Boundary Condition (optional) ------------- 41:scalarT 0 // Local scalar value which might be used as tracer ---------- Transport Properties & Thermochemical Conditions ----------- 42:mu 2E-5 // Dynamic viscosity of mixture 43:R 0 // Specific gas constant J/kg K (for cmode=1,2) 44:diff 0 // Diffusivity of mixture (for cmode=1,2,yellow BC) 45:Tu 0 // Unburnt temperature (for cmode=1) 46:Tb 0 // Burnt (flame) temperature (for cmode=1,2) ------------------- Chemical Reaction (for cmode=1) ------------------- 47:krate 0 // Rate onstant 48:Trate 0 // Activation temperature 49:nrate 0 // Rate ~ rho*k*exp(-Ta/T)*T^n 50:cF 0 // Progress variable at which flame locates (optional for vis) --------------- Non-Premixed Reacting Flow (for cmode=2) -------------- 51:Xst 0 // Stoichiometric mixture fraction at which flame locates 52:sigma 0 // Relaxation parameter for density change (0<=sigma<=1, 1 is ideal) -------------------------- Display & Output --------------------------- 53:box 2 // Pixel size of one grid point 54:nfig 100 // Interval time steps for figure output (0:off) 55:nfile 5000 // Interval time steps for dump file output (0:off) 56:bcdisp 1 // Display wall boundary (0:off, 1:on) 57:idisp 4 // 0:off,1:rho,2:u,3:v,4:spd,5:vrt,6:T,7:rate,8:c/xi,9:P 58:cmax 0 // Scale (max). 0:auto scale 59:cmin 0 // Scale (min). 0:auto scale 60:icolor 2 // 0:Jet,1:Rainbow,2:Nishiki,3:Gray,4:Gray(inv),5:Hot,6:Sea,7:Leaf 61:icont 0 // (Reaction front) contour line (0:off,1:blck,2:red,3:grn,4:bl,5:wht) 62:linewidth 0 // Line width of contour line (1, 3, 5 or 7) 63:ivec 1 // Velocity vector (0:off,1:blck,2:red,3:grn,4:bl,5:wht) 64:ndiv 5 // Interval grid points between displayed vectors (0:auto) 65:vecsize 2 // Pixel size of vector arrow (0:auto) ------------------ Lagrangian Trajectory (optional) ------------------- 66:lagkey 0 // 0:off,1:x, 2:y,3:x-x,4:y-y 67:lagcolor 0 // 0:black, 1:white 68:lagsize 0 // Pixel size of particles 69:nlagra 0 // Interval time steps of restart (>=100) 70:npart 0 // No. particle (>=1000) ------------------------ Body Force (optional) ------------------------ 71:gfx 0 // X-body force 72:gfy 0 // Y-body force 73:dref 0 // Reference density. 1:max, 2:middle, 3:min density as reference ------------------- Initial Perturbation (optional) ------------------- 74:pmode 0 // Mode of perturbation 0:off, 1:single mode, 2:multi, 3:multi (random amp.) 75:umag 0 // Velocity amplitude (m/s) 76:nwave 0 // Number of waves in x-direction -------------------------------- Others ------------------------------- 77:nwait 0 // Wait time ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #End of file